E-media publications
Source: IRNA: Islamic Republic News Agency
Moscow might become the capital of the world’s calligraphy. On December 9th, on the occasion of the opening of Russia’s only Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy Moscow will see the unique Mystery of the World’s Calligraphy exhibition, a rare piece of conceptual blending, revealing the intricate harmony of music, light, and handmade lettering; the unity of Nature and human thought; the hidden powers of fire, water, and air will fuse with those of the spirit and the word.
Source: The RF Ministry of Culture, official website
Source: Moscow City Portal
Source: CityOut – Moscow, online portal
Source: the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, official website
Source: RIA Novosti, news agency
Source: MK.ru the internet edition
Source: TSAO-Inform, online edition of the Central Administrative Okrug of Moscow
An official opening of a permanent exposition of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy in Sokolniki Park is on December 9th.
Source: Oreanda-Novosti, news agency.
В парке «Сокольники» в Москве 9 декабря состоится официальное открытие постоянной экспозиции Современного музея каллиграфии. С дня открытия по 14 декабря 2008 г. в новом музее будет открыта экспозиция «Тайны мировой каллиграфии».
Источник: Информационный портал «СтранаRu»
Source: Committee on Telecommunications and Mass Media of Moscow
Source: Exhibition Bridge, an information portal
Источник: портал ABNews — Агентство Бизнес Новостей
After the great success of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy in St. Petersburg, art of neat writing is coming to Moscow.
Источник: портал The Epoch Time
Источник: Портал Izrus
9 декабря в культурно-выставочном центре «Сокольники» состоится официальное открытие постоянной экспозиции Современного музея каллиграфии.
Источник: Агентство Еврейских Новостей
Source: Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti Publishing House
Source: REN-TV, news agency
Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, daily newspaper
RIA News reports referring to the quote by Pyotr Chobitko, Presidium Chairman of the National Union of Calligraphers, that a group of Russian calligraphy artists created the first ever handwritten copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Source: Yandex.CC, online portal