1. Where are classes held?

Classes are held at the World Calligraphy Museum located at Tsentralnaya str., Orekhovo village, Lakashinskoye rural settlement, Spassky district, Ryazan region (Opening on September 10, 2022)

2. What is the timetable?

The timetable is published on our website in the «Calligraphy School — Class Schedule» section.

3. What is the cost of training?

The cost of training for adults:

  • Basic level — 17 000 rubles (2.5 months)
  • Second level — 17 000 rubles (2.5 months)
  • Third level — 18 000 rubles (2.5 months)
  • Lettering — 17 500 rubles (2,5 months)

4. How many students can be in a group?

The maximum number of students is thirteen.

5. What is the method of payment?

Tuition fees must be paid in advance in cash at the School of Calligraphy after signing the contract.

6. What is the course duration?

2.5 months

7. Is it possible to begin training at intermediate level?

It is possible. You will need to pass a test with one of our tutors.

8. How can I enroll in the school?

By phone, at our office, or by sending a request to our school by email.

9. Are there any requirements for students?

Only the desire to study.

10. Is it possible if children and adults studied together in one group?

Unfortunately this is not possible, because the teaching methods for children and adults are different.

In order to achieve maximum efficiency and due to psychological characteristics of children and adults, classes must be held separately.

11. Can I take a break between courses or I need to immediately go to the next level?

It is better if you don’t take a break between the courses. But if you want to continue mastering calligraphy in school after a short break, you will need to maintain your skills and constantly do calligraphy exercises at home.

12. What materials do I need for lettering classes?

  • Colour paper size A4;
  • Poster and pointed nibs;
  • Poster and pointed felt-tip pens or Parallel Pen by Pilot;
  • Liners, colour gel pens and fineliners;
  • 25 сm ruler;
  • Graphite pencils (TM);
  • Eraser, kneaded eraser;
  • Drawing ink of various colours and shades or acrylic paint.

If any questions, please be free to contact an educational manager,

Tel.: +7 916 353-21-09.