Kaori Isidzima

Author works

The Sutra of the Heart

The Sutra of the Heart

Dark blue paper, golden ink, hair brush, kaisho technique (standard), 480 x 290 mm, 2017


Kaori Isidzima

Kaori Isidzima graduated from the Institute of Calligraphy in Ito, Japan, in 1999 and then worked in the Japanese Association of Calligraphy Training in Tokyo. Later on, between 2005 and 2008, she occupied teaching positions in Karlov University, the Association of Czech and Japanese Friendship, and David Hollis' Institute in Prague.

Currently Kaori is working in the Japan Foundation, the Japanese culture section of the All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature in Moscow.

Isidzima holds a master certificate in calligraphy issued by the Association of Calligraphy Culture in Japan, and the first grade trainer rank. She was awarded at the All-Japanses student exhibition of top calligraphy works, received an honourable mention for online trainings from the Japanese Association of Calligraphy Training (approved by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology of Japan), and was nominated for a special award at the Association of Calligraphy's exhibition in 2003.

Kaori Isidzima held regular workshops in various locations in Russia (Saint Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm, Krasnoyarsk and Nizhny Novgorod) and other countries (Belarus, Turkmenistan, Japan etc.). She also participated in numerous events, including the exhibition to celebrate the opening of the 22nd Olympic Games in Sochi, held in 2014 in the Moscow Manezh, etc.