Yelena Bobkova

Author works

To the Fountain of Bakhchisaray Palace

To the Fountain of Bakhchisaray Palace

Watercolor, ink, pointed pen, 43x61 cm, 2014.
By a Curved Sea-Shore…

By a Curved Sea-Shore…

Flat nib, Ecoline watercolour, Iridescent ink, Canson pastel paper. Uncial, Vyaz, Cursive. 600 x 800 mm, 2017


Yelena Bobkova

2004-2008 Bryansk Arts College. Master artist (wood painting)

2008-2009 Gzhel State Arts and Industry Institute (ceramic artist)

2009-2014 Moscow State University of Design and Technologies, artist-stylist, specialty in advertisement of light and textile industry.

- The ‘Step into the Future’ exhibition, 2010.

- The ‘Signs of the Russian Land’ exhibition, 2011.

- 2nd place in the ‘Perspektiva’ design project competition, 2012.

- The ‘Word Incarnated’ exhibition.

- A report on ‘The Relevance of the Cyrillic Alphabet’ at the conference dedicated to the Moscow day of designers, 2014.

- A publication in the magazine ‘Quality and Life’ in July 2014. The article under the title ‘The Relevance of the Cyrillic Alphabet in Modern Typography’, 2014.

- A triennial of graphic arts in St. Petersburg, 2014.