Nina Kozubova
Author works
A letter of thanks. Diploma
Calf parchment, watercolor, ink, water-based ink, metal nibs with gilding, 30х48 cm, 2008Handwritten songbook. Page “In my life”
Watercolor paper, ink, water color, pen, rapidograph, 60x42 cm, 2008Tale of Tsar Saltan. Page 39
Project of A. Pushkin’s book made by group of 28 children (8,9 and 14 y.o.) under the guidance of N. Kozubova and N. Bakke, 2010Author's reprint
Tale of Tsar Saltan. Page 2
Project of A. Pushkin’s book made by group of 28 children (8,9 and 14 y.o.) under the guidance of N. Kozubova and N. Bakke, 2010Author's reprint
Tale of Tsar Saltan. Page 3
Project of A. Pushkin’s book made by group of 28 children (8,9 and 14 y.o.) under the guidance of N. Kozubova and N. Bakke, 2010Author's reprint
Tale of Tsar Saltan. Page 9
Project of A. Pushkin’s book made by group of 28 children (8,9 and 14 y.o.) under the guidance of N. Kozubova and N. Bakke, 2010Author's reprint
Tale of Tsar Saltan. Page 5
Project of A. Pushkin’s book made by group of 28 children (8,9 and 14 y.o.) under the guidance of N. Kozubova and N. Bakke, 2010Author's reprint
Tale of Tsar Saltan. Page 34
Project of A. Pushkin’s book made by group of 28 children (8, 9 and 14 y.o.) under the guidance of N. Kozubova and N. Bakke, 2010Author's reprint
Tale of Tsar Saltan. Page 43
Project of A. Pushkin’s book made by group of 28 children (8,9 and 14 y.o.) under the guidance of N. Kozubova and N. Bakke, 2010Author's reprint

Nina Kozubova is a twin sister of one more project participant, Natalya Bakke; they make all their artworks together.
The girls were born in Rzhev, Tver Oblast, in 1976.
1998 — drawing class by Nikolai Safronov.
2000 — graduated from the Moscow State University of Printing Arts, the Faculty for Graphical Arts. Nina lives in Moscow, and Natalia lives in the USA.
In collaboration with this school, they established the KALLIGRAPHIK Academy of Beautiful Handwriting in Moscow, 2009, conducting workshops for children and adults. As of today, their pupils have created over 500 works on various subjects, including unique manuscripts of A. Pushkin’s fairy tales (The Tale of Tsar Saltan, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish).
Seventeen of the Academy’s alumni won highest prizes at the calligraphy contest within the framework of the Orthodox Russia All-Russian Children’s and Young People’s Creativity Festival.
Today the KALLIGRAPHIK Academy of Beautiful Handwriting is attended by 72 pupils, 12 of which are already in their fourth year.
Exhibitions and contests:
1995 — tender winners of the project for Rzhev Artistic and Architectural Image Renovation in 1995-1998.
1998 — Art Exhibition and Evening of Young Hopefuls. Rzhev Exhibition Hall.
1999 — participants of the Book Space 20th Century Exhibition. Yaroslavl Art Museum. Yaroslavl.
2002 — prize winners of the 5th Regional Open Stroganov Festival of Young Designers, category: «Graphic design and advertising». Moscow.
2003 — participant of the graphic exhibition at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts museum. Moscow.
2003 — Graphic exhibition. Central House of Artists. Krymsky val, Moscow.
2005 — participants of the Grand Label 2005 international exhibition, nomination: «Labels for industrial products». Design of a series of labels for VELT disinfectants. Moscow.
2006 – Graphic exhibition. Central House of Artists. Krymsky val, Moscow.
2008 – The I International Exhibition of Calligraphy, St. Petersburg.
2009 – The II International Exhibition of Calligraphy, Moscow.
2010 – The III International Exhibition of Calligraphy, Veliky Novgorod.
2012 – The IV International Exhibition of Calligraphy, Moscow.
1995 — RAINBOW HEAVEN ENGLISH, design and implementation of an education project for children. Rzhev.
1996 — Rzhevskaya Pravda, newspaper. Layout design, logo. Rzhev.
1999 — New Women’s Home, magazine. Layout design. Moscow.
2000 — Ivan-Chai tea company. Graphic complex. Moscow. The Medved-Tour tourist company. Logo, corporate graphics, booklet. Moscow.
2003-2005 — VELT. Corporate style and advertising graphics. Moscow-Orenburg
2005 — International Union of Medical and Biological Protection. Logo and corporate style. Moscow-Orenburg.
2006 — SCI Specialty Coatings Incorporated. Logo, business and advertising graphics. USA.
2006 — The Lodge At Galena chain of pubs. Logo, business and advertising graphics. USA.
2006 — DLBakke Residential Designer Logo, business and advertising graphics. USA.
2006 — Sushi Moto restaurant. Logo, business and advertising graphics. USA.
2007 — KOR STUDIOS fitness studio. Logo and corporate style. USA
2007 — FINSKA CONTRACTORS. Logo and corporate style. USA
2007 — Infinity Engineering. Logo and corporate style. USA. A series of graphic compositions for the St. Tikhon Orthodox Humanitarian University’s 15th anniversary. Moscow.
2008 – certificates for governmental awards, client – The RF State Duma. Moscow.
2008 — Keen Concepts granite workshop. Logo and corporate style. USA.
2005-2008 — PARKETOFF. A package of business, advertising and show graphics (co-authorship with Georgy Kozubov). Moscow.
2006-2008 — Murrieta`s restaurant chain. A package of advertising graphics. USA.
2009 – The Holy Scriptures in Calligraphy contest award design. Moscow. The Contemporary museum of calligraphy.
2009-2010 – Advertising and corporate style package for Vitrazh-Moskva LTD
2011 – Corporate logo and advertizing graphics package for Olga Schlegel, a Teddy bear designer. Munich, Germany.
2012 – Corporate logo design for OFK-Bank. Moscow.