Volker Thomas Wunderlich
Author works

Date of birth: 05.03.1976
Marital status: married to Andrea Wunderlich, calligrapher
Since 2002: independent artist: painting, trompe l’oeil and restoration
Since 2003: teacher at the Handwerkskammer für Oberfranken (Handicraft Chamber in Upper Franconia), Bayreuth
- Contests: Trompe l’oeil Airbrush, Marbling, Imitation of wood and Gilding
2001 – 2002: studied at the Handwerkskammer München u. Oberbayern, Munich
Master Class for Kirchenmaler (church restorers)
Won a prize for his final works
In 2001: worked for Fontana & Fontana, Jona, Switzerland
(restoration work)
2000 – 2001: worked for Fa. Hofmann, Königsfeld, Germany
Worked as a Kirchenmaler (church restorer)
In 2000: working for Fa. Flassak, Wolfersdorf, Germany
Work as Kirchenmaler
1999 –2002: started working as an independent artist
Since 2002: member of AGD (the Alliance of German Designers)
In 1999: worked for Fa. Hofmann, Königsfeld, Germany
Worked as a Kirchenmaler