Calligraphy and Kokeshi Exhibition in Haifa

This weekend has seen a remarkable event in Haifa’s cultural life — the opening of a new exposition at the Chikochin Museum of Japanese Art.

Calligraphy & Kokeshi Exhibition (calligraphy — the art of beautiful handwriting; kokeshi — Japanese painted wooden doll), occupies the first hall. The new exposition of works by contemporary Japanese artists is a contribution to the museum collection by the International Japanese Calligraphic Culture Association.

At the opening ceremony Sato Toasts, Japan’s ambassador in Israel, addressed the audience in flawless Yiddish, explaining that calligraphy and kokuji belong to Japanese contemporary art most significant trends; adding that the spice of this calligraphy exhibition is the fact that all exhibits are made on and from various materials — wood, iron, paint — whereas traditionally this art has favoured parchment.

The ambassador also announced that the exhibition was organized to mark the 60 anniversary of Israeli-Japanese diplomatic relations. He said he hoped that from 2013 onwards «a new 60-year era of fruitful cooperation shall commence». The Japanese will always remember that Israel was the first to stretch out a helping hand in after the 2011 Fukushima nightmare, said Mr. Toasts.

The culmination of the soiree was a master-class, conducted by Japanese calligraphers, who had expressly arrived from the Land of the Rising Sun.
