By Kilian Announced Water Calligraphy Series Release

By Kilian Announced Water Calligraphy Series ReleaseWater Calligraphy by Kilian

In May, 2012 Asian Tales, a new By Kilian perfume series will be released. The first perfume to hit the market will be called Water Calligraphy.

This project was planned as a journey to the world of fragrances and aromas but soon enough its creators realized the importance of symbols and words. Red is the colour of luck in China, it’s connected with official ceremonies and represents nobility. That’s why By Killian decided to use this colour for the new collection’s design – as the sign of respect for and solidarity with the ancient culture. Coins are also considered to be an amulet in China, that’s why a coin tied with a ribbon symbolizes a traditional wish for prosperity.

Asian Tales collection is boxed in small brand black varnished wooden containers inlayed with red satin. Small coin of polished silver is tied up with a key to the container and red rope with a tassel. It should bring luck to those who wear the perfume. Number “8” engraved on the coin is a symbol of luck and prosperity. Perfectly symmetric form of the vial conveys the idea of infinity and perfect balance. The number eight is placed near the letter “K” – the logo of By Kilian brand.

The author of Water Calligraphy perfume is Calice Becker – one of the most famous perfumers of our time. This perfume has notes of grapefruit rind, mignonette, water lily, jasmine, magnolia, as well as cardamom and Chrysopogon zizanioides.
