Calligraphy exhibition in Moscow
The International exhibition of calligraphy will take place in the Crocus Expo Exhibition Centre in Moscow.
As organizers say this project “is called for representing calligraphy as an art of perfection. It should help the audience to understand its music and poetic features, to learn its uniqueness and originality which contains rich historical, ethnographic, and spiritual layers of the world culture.”
“The first International exhibition in calligraphy is expected to become a starting point for revival and development of art of writing in Russia. It will favour the spiritual perfection, the rise in moral and cultural potential of the country and, as a result, forming of health and beautiful society”, - say the organizers.
“Besides, the project may positively influence the quality of Russian education. It was not without reason that organizers of the exhibition were supported by heads of the biggest Universities in the country – Moscow and St.-Petersburg Universities and Moscow State Institute for International Relations”, - added the representative of the steering committee.
At the exhibition there will be developed an extensive exposition of rare historic manuscripts of X-XVII centuries, writing materials of different periods. There also will be open a specialized library. Works of leading contemporary authors from Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine will be shown. The guests will be able to see collections of calligraphic schools of Europe, Israel, Syria, the USA, Japanese, and China.
The member of Chinese learned body of twin inscriptions, the continuer of the great dynasty of Chinese calligraphers Chan Wan-Fu is expected to share his unique technique “Ming-Shu” (writing of the hieroglyphics with the closed eyes) with visitors. Mini-presentations will be held by calligraphers Leonid Pronenko and Peter Chobitko. The exhibition will be open from the 14th till 17th of May.
Source: Internet newspaper ""