Passionaries: an exhibition of artist Daria Nazarova opens in Zheleznogorsk
The art filled with emotions and life itself. A personal exhibition of the young local artist, Daria Nazarova, has opened in Zheleznogorsk. It's a unique experimental project created in partnership with the Chicory Center of Contemporary Art and the local history museum.
They say that there are many talented people, but few are obsessed with art. Daria is definitely one of the few. She has created several colorful art objects in the city that bring joy to the citizens every day. Two years ago, in collaboration with Yulia Kamenshchikova, she transformed an ordinary heating station on Kurskaya street as part of the Our Eyes Demand Change project (one of the winners of the grant competition by Metalloinvest Company "Let's do it together"). And this summer, a friendly dog, a fantasy style redhead against the night sky, and a large graffiti depicting the sunken submarine "Kursk" appeared on the walls of some boring grey buildings. Now, to our great joy, the artist opens an unusual art show Passionaries.
Who are the passionaries? Those who can inspire people and lead them, who always search for something new. For Daria, it's a very personal topic closely related to her father. As a scientist, professor, and specialist in the field of technical sciences, he passed to his daughter more than some basic values and moral principals. He taught her by example about such essential qualities of a passionary as courage, vigor, honesty, and dedication.
The exhibition occupies two halls of the museum. The large hall hosts a series of five artworks illustrating the artist's understanding of the postulates of passionarity. It also presents a piece of the museum linoleum used as a canvas depicting the most important ideas and conclusions about the importance of museums in the modern world and the role of culture in human life. The original calligraphy became a way for the artist to express and decipher the atmosphere she felt. The letters are not written but woven together by a single thread, that is the artist's thought. It's her personal ligature, her ball of wool, her maze.
The small hall contains paintings created in 2019-2020 under the influence of famous musical works. A rich palette of the compositions reveals the quest for self-expression and personal style, a game of interaction with sounds, forms, and the environment, as well as beautiful melodies. Curators of the exhibition note that if you wish, you can easily turn from a viewer into a listener.
Source: Information Portal of Zheleznogorsk