National Handwriting Day Celebrated Worldwide

On January 23, the National Handwriting Day was celebrated across the world. This Day had been introduced to remind us that every person’s handwriting is unique. This report is provided by the Mir (an international broadcasting service) journalists.

At our digital era, many people forgot how to write, our children are called the «keyboard generation». Who knows, perhaps, in the nearest future handwritten letters and post cards will become hottest auction lots. The idea of this event belongs to the Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association. By the way, on the same day — January, 23 — John Hancock, one of US outstanding statesmen, was born. He was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence.

From time immemorial humanity has strived to master the art of handwriting, as well as to learn to determine a man’s character by his shorthand. Thus, its size indicates the degree of sociability. People, writing in large letters are more easy-going; as a rule, they have a lot of friends. Small hand indicates a reticent and taciturn personality. Egoists use sharp-angled letters, kind-hearted and responsive people are characterized by rounded letters. Willpower and diligence can be traced in people who write in thick lines.

Calligraphic handwriting is typical of responsible, orderly, but dependent people. Calm and well-balanced people write with impeccable regularity. Bold hand belongs to the cheerful, active and curious. Whereas separate letters indicate sophisticated intuition. The size of the margins reveal one’s attitude to material assets: narrow margins mean an economical person, broad — an extravagant one.

By the way, shorthand used to be of great aid to criminalists. Printed texts are gradually pushing out the handwritten texts, now we pay much more attention to a comfortable keyboard, forgetting about an intelligible and nice-looking handwriting. Nevertheless, we bet even in a hundred years time there will be someone who would still be waiting particularly for a handwritten postcard or message, not for a grim set of printed font.

National Handwriting Day Celebrated Worldwide

Source: Mir International Broadcasting Service