
Calligraphy workshops are a unique opportunity to try your hand with a pointed pen and practice copperplate under the supervision of a professional calligrapher.

Workshop duration is 45 minutes.

The Museum holds the following workshops:

  • Organized groups – every Friday at 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00. Any other date or time is subject to agreement with the museum manager;
  • Groups of individual visitors* - the last Friday of each month at 10:00, 12:30 and 14:00.

A group requires a minimum of 10.

*A group of individual visitors is formed based on individual applications.

Workshop booking and payment procedure

To book a workshop please contact the museum manager by phone at +7-495-728-77-58 in advance between 10:00 and 18:00 Tuesday to Saturday for the following:

  • Book the date and time for your workshop.
  • Complete a workshop application (application form to be sent to the customer's email).
  • Provide an advance payment of 3,000 RUB to book the workshop. The payment can be made in cash or via a wire transfer.

On the date of the workshop the customer (group supervisor) pays the remaining amount of the service price.  

Workshop cancellation or date change

To cancel or amend your workshop, please contact the museum manager by phone at +7-495-728-77-58.

Workshop fee

Price of the workshop package consists of the tour operations price, entrance fee and workshop fee.

Payment for the workshop can be made in cash or via a wire transfer.

Workshop for children:

Fee of 800 RUB (per person, no privileges).

Fee of 400 RUB (for members of multiple children families*).

Group escort:

1 person free of charge, 250 RUB per each subsequent person.

Participation in the workshop for escorting persons is not included in the fee and is to be paid separately.

*Privileged entrance granted upon presentation of relevant documents.

Minimum workshop fee is 8,000 RUB privileged inclusive, regardless of the number of participants.

Workshop for adults:

Fee 800 RUB per person.

Minimum workshop fee is 8,000 RUB regardless of the number of participants.

Workshop in English (all ages):

Fee of 1,200 RUB per person.

Workshop for a group between 9 and 14.

Minimum workshop fee is 10,800 RUB regardless of the number of participants.

Workshop for groups of individual visitors:

Participation fee for all ages (no privileges) – 800 RUB.

Participation fee for members of families with many children – 400 RUB.

NB! Participation in the workshop is free if you arrange a group of individual visitors. 

*Privileged entrance granted upon presentation of relevant documents.