Yelena Borisenko

Author works

My Motherland

My Motherland

Paper, ink, gouache, 39x29 cm, 2014


Variations of Vyaz and Cursive. Paper, Chinese black ink, blue ink, broad and pointed nibs, pointed brush. 180 x 290 mm, 2017
The Thought

The Thought

Variations of Vyaz and Cursive. Paper, Chinese black ink, silver ink, broad and pointed nibs, pointed brush. 300 x 490 mm, 2017


Yelena Borisenko

Born in 1981. Graduated from Stavropol Arts College in 2003. A student of SPbGUTD CZIP, Faculty of Graphics since 2008.

Elena Borisenko took part in Obraz I Bukva exhibitions in 2011, 2014, 2015 and 2016. In 2014 she came into the spotlight in the Second Independent International Triennial of Graphics Belye Inter-nochi.